
AGM 2023 Your Union – Your Say!


This year has been another challenging one for everyone working in the NHS and supporting health services. Your Unison Branch is committed to supporting its members. Come and join your AGM and meet the reps and Branch Officers who have been campaigning, negotiating and bargaining on your behalf.

We will be holding a series of aggregate meetings on the following dates:

9th February 2023, 5.30pm, MRI Social Club
10th February 2023, 10.00am, Post Graduate Lecture, MRI
13th February 2023, 10.00am, Sodexo Training Room, FMC Building, MRI
14th February 2023, 10.30am, Sodexo Training Room, FMC Building, MRI
14th February 2023, 2.00pm, Sodexo Training Room, FMC Building, MRI
15th February 2023, 12.00noon, Lecture Theatre Two, Wythenshawe Hospital
17th February 2023, 10.30am, Under Graduate Lecture Theatre, MRI
20th February 2023, 7.00pm online via Teams Click here to join the meeting 
24th February 2023, 5.30pm, MRI Social Club

You should only attend one meeting and you will only be registered at one event even if you turn up at others.

Two attendees from each meeting will be entered into a prize draw and will each receive a £50.00 shopping voucher.

We look forward to seeing you!!