Get Active and become a UNISON Workplace Representative

Our volunteer workplace reps play a vital day-to-day role in making the voices of members heard in workplaces across the Trust.

They give members information about union issues by publicising UNISON campaigns, distributing leaflets and keeping members informed about and involved in local negotiations.

They are advisers and sounding boards, talking to members about workplace problems and – if they feel confident – giving advice on how to deal with these.

Alternatively, they may arrange for the member to get advice or assistance from elsewhere in the union, or work with them to get the information they need.

They are representatives and spokespersons for members in their workplace.

Support is available for UNISON reps from your branch and region, as well as more experienced colleagues, and every region runs training courses for reps throughout the year.

Our activist roles are vital to us, and UNISON will provide you with all the training you need. UNISON reps receive complete support from the union, and in MFT reps receive paid time off to undertake training and union duties.

So, for a stronger voice at work, an opportunity to learn new skills and join our team, complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to chat about how you could make a real difference in your workplace.