
Unions call for minute’s silence for key workers killed by Covid-19 in UK

The UK has been urged by unions to observe a minute’s silence next week to remember the healthcare and other key workers who have died from coronavirus.

Unison, the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Midwives have asked politicians, employers, people at work and the millions of people in lockdown at home to join the tribute at 11am on 28th April.

The date coincides with International Workers’ Memorial Day which every year commemorates workers who have died around the world.

Dave Prentis, Unison’s general secretary said: “This is the ultimate tribute to remember workers who’ve lost their lives and put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe and vital services running.

“Every year the sacrifice of workers around the world is recognised but this year has a special significance because of the pandemic.

“Thousands of key staff are on the frontline while the rest of us are in lockdown. That’s why we’ve issued this call for the whole country to take part and remember the sacrifices they’ve made. The best tribute we can all pay them is to stay inside to protect the NHS.

So wherever you are on 28th April at 11.00am, please stop for a minute’s silence to remember all those who have lost their lives at work but in particular those key workers who have lost their lives to Coronavirus.