
Calling all nursing and midwifery registrants in Unison

Effective Nursing and Midwifery Regulations

Effective professional regulation is central to the provision of safe, kind and high-quality patient care.

Many nurses, midwives and nursing associates only think about the NMC at revalidation or when the time comes to hand over the annual registration fee.

But the NMC sets our professional code, determines the educational standards for our professions and takes action to protect the public when an individual’s fitness to practice is called into question.

Now the Department of Health is revising the legislation which sets out how healthcare regulators such as the NMC operate.

It’s a critical time for nursing registrants in UNISON to make your views on regulation known.

  • You’ll hear from experts at the NMC and UNISON’s own professional services unit
  • Contribute your expertise and experiences of dealing with registration, revalidation and fitness to practice
  • Join the debate on how to improve professional regulation for nurses, midwives and nursing associates