
COVID-19. Free E-Learning for Health and Social Care Workers

Health Education England has created an e-learning programme to help Health and Social Care workers in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Content available in the COVID-19 programme includes:

  • Essential Guidance from the NHS, UK Government, WHO and BMJ
  • Public Health England – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Resources for Staff Working in Critical Care Setting
  • Resources for Staff Working in Acute Hospital Setting
  • Resources for Staff Working in Primary Care and Community Setting
  • Resources for Staff Working in a Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Setting
  • Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled
  • Resources for other Healthcare Staff Returning to Work
  • Resources for End of Life Care COVID-19
  • Resources for Specific Professions
  • Resources for Volunteers supporting Health and Social Care
  • Critical Care and Ward-Based Equipment Guides
  • Staff Wellbeing and Resilience during COVID-19

More content will be added in the coming days and weeks. 

The programme is freely available to all Health and Social Care Workers in the NHS, independent sector and social care. HEE has removed the requirement to register and log in. The programme content and e-learning modules can be found here: