
If in doubt… DATIX it.

Two of the most common issues raised by UNISON members is that there is frequent understaffing on wards and that staff often aren’t able to take their breaks – but you’d be amazed how many people never raise their concerns with management.

The two problems are clearly inter- linked. Understaffing puts additional pressure on existing staff, increases

their workload and often means they can’t take breaks. It causes stress and anxiety and means staff are more likely to take time off sick which makes the situation even worse. It also often leads to increased spend on agency staff.

Our advice to members is always to raise any concerns over staffing levels or breaks via Datix or local incidents reporting procedures.

Raising the issue formally means that management have to respond, it also gives UNISON extra information and leverage to use in negotiations with the Trust.

If, after raising the issue via Datix, the problems persist, please get in contact with the branch for further support.

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