
International Nurses’ Day 2021 – 12th May

The theme for International Nurses’ Day this year is ‘A voice to lead – a vision for future healthcare’. Celebrate the day by joining our live event and sharing your stories. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown more than ever before the brilliance of our nursing family. Nurses have shown leadership at all levels of our health and care services to meet the extraordinary demands of the pandemic.

As the biggest trade union in healthcare, UNISON wants to demonstrate how our nursing family have led during the pandemic.

Tell us your stories about working during the pandemic. How you’ve adapted your work practices, how you’ve managed your own mental health, how you feel about working in the NHS.

Please email us at with your stories. We will share them on our webpage as a tribute to the amazing work you do every day as nurse but in particular to highlight the sacrifices you have made during what has undoubtedly been the most difficult year of your nursing career. 

Every nurse who contributes will be sent a Unison goodie bag. You will need to include your name and workplace in your email to us but if you wish to remain anonymous when we share the stories, just let us know.

Unison is also holding a live event on 12th May. UNISON believes nurses now need to be empowered to lead the health and care recovery from COVID-19 and the positive transformation of our services.

To join the event which will be livestreamed on YouTube from 7–8.30pm please follow this link:

You will hear from nurse leaders in different settings to discuss this important topic and celebrate the innovative work of nurses during the pandemic.

Guests will include:

  • Stuart Tuckwood – UNISON National Officer for Nursing
  • Trudie Martin – UNISON Nursing and Midwifery Committee Chair
  • Joy O’ Gorman – UNISON National Student Nurse Lead
  • Carley Kane – Nursing apprentice – UNISON rep
  • Gamu Nyasoro – Nurse leader and member of UNISON National Nursing and Midwifery Committee
  • Anganie Seecharan – Diabetes Specialist Nurse

You are making an unbelievable difference people’s lives in these challenging times and we at your Unison Branch want to say a huge THANK YOU!! And remember we are still here to help if you need advice or have any worries or concerns while you continue to work.