
International Women’s Day events

On the Eve of International Women’s Day, 7th March, 5-6.30pm, National International and Women’s Committees will be hosting a webinar on defending abortion rights.

Speakers include Kerry Abel, Abortion Rights UK, Renee Bracey Sherman, We Testify, USA, Mara Rivera from Argentina and Naomi Connor from Alliance for Choice, Northern Ireland. Our General Secretary Christina McAnea will also say a few words and we have a wonderful musician Juanita Euka performing to open and close the event.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Webinar: Eve of International Women’s Day Event – Fighting For The Right To Choose | Events | UNISON National

On 8th March 4 – 5.45pm National Health and Safety Committee and Women’s Committee will be hosting a webinar on the hazards in women’s work. Speakers will look at the hazards women face in the workplace and how we can organise around them. There is an international speaker, Professor Karen Messing, from the University of Quebec whose ground-breaking book ‘One Eyed Science’ published in the late 90s exposed the lack of research and protections for women workers.

Building Safe and Healthy Workplaces for Women | Events | UNISON National