
We demand better: March and Rally, 18 June

Why we are marching on 18 June?

We are marching because working people have had enough!! Everything’s going up but our wages. It’s time for a new deal for working people. We need help with energy bills and a real pay rise for every worker in this country.

On 18 June, in London, let’s tell this government WE DEMAND BETTER.

We demand…
A real pay rise for every worker – and a real living wage for all
Respect and security for all workers – ban zero hours contracts, ban fire and rehire, decent sick pay now
End racism at work
Tax energy profits to pay our bills
Raise universal credit
Boost union bargaining rights now

And more than that, we demand a government that listens and acts to support working people.

Unison will be sending reps and officials to the rally on 18th June. If any members of this Branch would like to join us, please email before 20th May and let us know. Once we can confirm numbers we will arrange train tickets and contact you with further details. We will also be asking for a £10.00 deposit which we will give back to you on the day. 

Let’s make some noise, get out on the streets and start the push back!!!