

As you may have seen from news reports, Police Forces across the UK, including Greater Manchester Police, are expecting a worrying rise in domestic abuse incidents as abusers use the COVID-19 to take advantage of their power and control over a victim.

Domestic abuse takes many forms – physical, emotional, psychological, sexual and financial and it affects victims in the workplace and beyond. That’s why it’s an issue for everyone including UNISON. So if you need our help go to or call our trained advisors on 0207 121 5620

Anyone can be a victim, regardless of gender, age, culture, ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation and anyone can be a perpetrator – partners, spouses, parents, children or carers.

Up to date, Government guidance can be found here:

There are also national and local sources of help that can be accessed for assistance:- 

  • Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0161 636 7525
  • Manchester Womens Aid – 0161 660 7999
  • LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline – 0300 999 5428
  • Saheli Asian Womens Project – 0161 945 4187
  • Community Helpline Language Service (Urdu and Punjabi) – 0161 636 7525
  • Greater Manchester End The Fear
  • Manchester Social Care (for adults and children) – 0161 234 5001
  • Help for perpetrators: If you feel you may be about to hurt someone visit or call 0808 802 4040.

Please don’t suffer alone