
Black members meeting

Black members in UNISON work to improve equality in the workplace and challenge racism and discrimination.

Black members have many of the same concerns as other members regarding access to employment, pay, promotion and training. However, racist discrimination can deepen the impact of problems faced in the workplace. UNISON’s Black members’ group (known as a self-organised group) campaigns for equality in the workplace and the wider community.

UNISON is committed to increasing its representation and participation of Black people within the union. With this in mind, your Branch is holding an inaugural Black members meeting as a start to future organising in the workplace. The meeting will be held via Teams on 22nd April 2022 between 12.00pm and 1.00pm. Full details of the meeting can be found here 

It is important that there is a visible and vocal presence of the Black members’ experience. Black members’ self-organised groups (SOGs) work in partnership with other parts of the union to identify and promote our race equality agenda so please join us online on 22nd April to find out more about improving equality and organising in your workplaces. The link to join the meeting is HERE